Tonight I'm going to take a look at a figure I recently got in the mail; Strength Animation ver.
I took a lot of pictures of this one, so I'll dictate as we go along. Sorry about the quality, but all the money that should go into buying a better camera instead goes into buying more figures. What can you do?
I really like the sculpt, I'll just start off by saying that. BadFrown did a GoodJob for the most part. |
I tried to get her mouth in this one. Her pouty lip was just too adorable not to point out. |
Here's one of the problems I had. This is a peg point. There's two more in each of her hands. I tried attaching this part first, and it snapped off while trying to attach the arms to the base. :( |
You can see my damage a bit better here. That's the peg stuck in her shoe. |
Just can't get enough of that adorable face! |
Another thing I really liked was the rocks. They're painted really well, and god forbid I ever scuff them somehow, I'd never be able to repaint them. |
Here's what she looks like in all her bad-lighting glory. |
As a side note, her tail comes off. |
The teeny-tiny bow is just adorable <3 |
Her leggings are REALLY shiny, just so you know. I really liked that about the statue, it catches your eye. That sultry little Strength. |
And finish it off with the opening face shot. She really is one of the most adorable high-destruction girls ever. |
And there you have it. My overall opinion of it: totally worth the expense. Just be careful with the pegs, and pick up some ridiculously shiny black paint if a little white line bothers you
Cost now: $100-120USD
What I payed: 7933JPY (about $104.75CAD)
Availability: (in stock)
Possible Cast-off parts: Hood
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