Monday, 24 October 2011

This figure is Chara-awful

It's time for my first negative review! I'm taking a look at... I have to look it up. That's how much I don't like this figure, I didn't even bother remembering what it's called.

This plastic-looking thing, after a quick search, is Chara-ani's (my first mistake) Ikaruga Ibuki, kindergarten clothes ver. Which is the first reason why I don't like this figure. I loved the concept, it's brilliant, but I wish that some other company had made this figure. Let's take a look.

See that shine? I can't unsee it. The painting with this figure is just awful. I can't even be sure her eyes are painted on, they could be stickers. Who knows? Ignoring the eyes however, her expression is really cute, which makes me all the more sad.

Here's the stuff she comes with. A boring base, a lollipop, and a ribbon. Fun.

Here's what she looks like without her hat. I think they intended it to be cast-off, along with her ribbon, but they neglected to remember the gigantic hole in the back of her skull where the hat (because hats need to be jointed on) and ribbon should go. Just like I neglected to remember to take a picture of it, but the hole is about the same size as her head. Seriously.

Here she is completed disassembled. I think it looks better like this.

They did do a nice job with the underboob. I will give them that. 

They didn't do a nice job of putting plastic between her cast-off skirt and body, leaving ugly scuffs around her torso.

I honestly 100% appreciate the figure more like this. I don't know why.

A tight fitting attachment piece leaves for an unsightly gap.  I don't like the way her panties bunch up like that either. It's almost as if her butt is caving in on itself.

A poor painting job leaves for fading around the seams, and ohlookanotherpaintscufffromherskirt.

Her hand looks out of place without her "cast-off" skirt, but other than than, I do like her pose.

Ribbon attached. 

Ribbon with skirt. Looks a bit better like this, but her arm is a TAD wonky, wouldn't you say?

And then there's this god awful thing. It's easily breakable, and bendable. Good luck getting it in the right position to look like it's supposed to:

This literally took me 5 minutes of bending and adjusting. and even after all that, you can see the peg where it inserts into her nametag.

Still, rather cute though.

And finally, here you have her in her original pose. Meh.

Luckily she looks great if you stick her behind something with quality.

Overall: do I have to repeat myself? I like the pose, I like the expression, I like the concept, but everything else has got to go. I don't think she's worth what I payed, and I think of her as an overpriced SegaPrize. She has the same quality about her. Would I go back and not purchase her if I could? Yes. I'd rather wait for Max Factory to make Hanamaru Kindergarten figures (which probably will never happen...sadly)

Cost now: 75-80USD (Too much)
What I paid: 5650JPY (about 75CAD [Too much])
Availability: (Surprisingly Sold-Out) (In-stock, if you like throwing money at fire)
Possible cast-off parts: Shirt.

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